
Kindergarten to Foundation Transition Program

The process following the acceptance of a Foundation place at St Fidelis Primary School is outlined below.

9th October 2024, 7:00pm New Foundation Parent and Carers Faith Workshop and welcome workshop
Both parents or at least one parent required to attend
14th October 2024, 9:30–11:00am School Experience 1 for new Foundation students. This first School Experience is for children who will be joining our school next year. Students will engage in a school activity.
Once students are settled in their learning space parents will join the Principal who will present the School’s Vision.
28th October 2024, 9:30–11:00am School Experience 2 for new Foundation students. This second School Experience is for children who will be joining our school next year. Students will engage in a school activity.
Once students are settled in their learning space parents will join the Learning and Teaching leaders for a short information session about the learning and Teaching Approach at St Fidelis & an overview of the Speech Pathology Program.
11th November 2024, 9:30-11:00am School Experience 3 for new Foundation students. This third School Experience is for children who will be joining our school next year. Students will engage in a school activity.
Parents have an opportunity to listen to a presentation from the Wellbeing and Learning Diversity Leader.
18th November 2024, 9:30-11:00 am School Experience 4 for new Foundation students. This fourth School Experience is for children who will be joining our school next year.
Parents will have an opportunity to learn about the different forms of communication available to all parents, listen to a short presentation from our Out Of School Care Provider THEIRCARE & hear from our Parents and friends committee president.
October – November St Fidelis Foundation Teacher’s Kindergarten visits.
9th December 2024, 9:30-11:00 am Whole School Orientation for new Foundation students
This school experience is an opportunity for the children who will be joining our school next year to meet their teacher and class friends.
31st January 2025 First day of school for Foundation students THURSDAY 31st January, 8:50 am -1:00 pm.
As of the week beginning February 3rd the students will be at school
from 8:50 am-3:30 pm except for the Wednesdays February.
Foundation students do not attend school on Wednesday February 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th.
March 2025 Foundation Students and Year 6 Buddies School Mass Celebration on (date to be confirmed) at 11:00 am Mass, St Fidelis Church followed by morning tea in the school hall.