Foundation Enrolment
St Fidelis Primary School accepts foundation enrolment applications from families with children turning 5 years of age before 30 April in the year they are due to commence school. In June of that year the principal will meet with all newly enrolled families
Years 1-6 Enrolment
Enrolment in other year levels can be made at any time and will be accepted throughout the year, subject to vacancies. Tours can also be arranged at any time. Enrolment forms are available to download or by contacting us.
A non-refundable application fee of $50.00 is payable when the form is lodged at the school.
Stages for Foundation Enrolment
Stage 1
Parents can book into one of the many school tours offered in Term 1. Dates for 2024 school tours are:
- March Wednesday 6th, 13th, 20th, 22nd 9:30am-10:30am
- March Thursday 7th, 14th, 21st, 23rd 4:00pm-5:00pm
Stage 2: Enrolments Open
Applications to be lodged at the school office with all relevant documents and a non-refundable administration fee of $50.00.
Stage 3: Enrolment Meetings and Offers Made
Week beginning May 13th and 14th, May 14th and 20th, each family and their child is offered the opportunity to meet with the Principal to discuss the enrolment. It is a time to understand more about each student and family. Parents are sent a letter of offer if their enrolment has been successful.
Stage 4: Information Night
In October, Parents and carers of 2025 Foundation students are invited to attend a ‘Faith Formation’ workshop. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend this evening. This workshop will take approximately 45 minutes and is an opportunity to get to know each other with a drink and a light supper.
Stage 5: Transition Days
In October/November, students will be expected to attend four ‘School Experience’ transition mornings where they will work with Foundation teachers and specialist staff and experience life as a Foundation student. During this time parents will be asked to stay and attend a series of information sessions that will provide further information around life at St Fidelis Primary School.
Stage 6: Day One of School 9.00am – 1.00pm
During February Foundation students will be attending from 8.45am – 3.30pm each day except on WEDNESDAYS. On one of these Wednesdays, your child will meet with their classroom teacher for 30-45 minutes for some testing.
Stage 7
On Sunday 3rd March at 11am Foundation students and Year 6 Buddies will attend a School Mass Celebration, followed by morning tea in the hall.
Enrolment Pack
Please complete the form below and return to