Generating language through questions
There are many types of questions you can ask your child to get information. Often adults ask children closed ended questions which will generate single word responses. Ask open ended questions and try to set up a daily routine for talking about the day. Encourage responses in sentences.
Often when parents ask the questions:
– ”How was school today?”
response – “ok”
– “What did you do?”
response – “nothing”
Instead try asking “what was something good that happened at school today and tell me why it was good?”
Rather than asking these questions at the busy, noisy school pick up time try asking it at the dinner table or as part of bedtime routine. Get everyone to take turns asking the questions and take turns answering them.
Initially you might use a starter phrase
“One good thing that happened today was…”
“It was good because…”
Include “why do you think…” or “what would happen if …” types of questions that don’t have a right or wrong answer.
Questions can relate to imaginary scenarios “what do you think would happen if instead of driving home I drove us all to the moon?”
Children often enjoy nonsense scenarios and can come up with some wonderfully creative responses.
Include a family word for the week that everyone needs to try and use each day. The word for this week could be /magnificent/.
*Remember to try and get your child to respond in sentences. Producing good oral sentences in conversation is a precursor to being able to produce good sentences in written work. Make sure you allow enough think time for a response.